Category: Cities Climate Action

Green Infill - Creating desperately needed housing and building community

379. Passive house multifamily in northern climate redefining just how green infill can be

This amazing Green Infill project has 16-units which replaced 2 single-family homes with tasteful townhome style Passive House homes that are super energy efficient and are providing desperately needed new affordable housing. We meet up with developers David and Melissa Campbell of Homestretch to get the low down. 

Former Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson on creating green cities.

378. Vancouver’s former mayor Gregor Robertson on creating the greenest cities in the world

When Vancouver’s former Mayor Gregor Robertson came up with the campaign slogan of creating the greenest city who knew it would be his most popular focus area. Robertson,  Vancouver’s longest-serving mayor left office after 10 years in 2018. He’s moved on, but we look back at his idea of creating the Greenest City in the World.